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2016 National Homeless Population (Per State)

The homeless population of each state taken on a single night. California comes out at the top, with 118,142 people, while Wyoming comes last, with just 857. Hawaii comes in at 19th place for the largest population, counting 7,921 people during the state's annual Point-In-Time count. 

To check out other state's population, hover over the state.

2012-2016 Hawaii Unsheltered vs. Sheltered Homeless

Press the play button to see the shift in the unsheltered and sheltered homeless population in Hawaii.


Sub-populations on Oahu

The overall homeless population is categorized into further sub-groups in order to help organizations provide the help that the homeless need. 

Mental illnesses have the highest sub-group population, with substance abuse, which includes drugs and alcohol, comes in second. HIV/AIDS comes in last as a sub-population, with just 56 homeless counted.

Hover over the sub-groups in order to find out how many were counted during the Point-in-Time survey for 2016.

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